The Colonial War
1 - The Invasion of Morocco 2 - Calm Sea and Furious Wind 3 - A Disaster Foretold? The Spanish Defeat at Anual 4 - The Forging of a Colonial Army 1921-30 The Brutalisation of the Colonial War 5 - The Secret History of Chemical Warfare against Moroccans 6 - A Divided Army; Military Castes and Factions in the Colonial Army 7 - The Moorish Other 8 - Cultures, Conditions and Corruption in the Colonial Army The Colonial Army from Republic to Civil War 1931-1939 9 - Repression and Conspiracy 10 - The Reconquest of Spain |
Deadly Embrace
Price: £25.00 (Hardback)
Oxford University Press
ISBN : 0-19-925296-3
Publication date: 23 May 2002
368 pages, maps and 12pp b&w plates,
234mm x 156mm
Oxford University Press
ISBN : 0-19-925296-3
Publication date: 23 May 2002
368 pages, maps and 12pp b&w plates,
234mm x 156mm
Content and Graphics copyright Oxford University Press, 2002. All rights reserved. By permission of Oxford University Press.